3-18-19 This word was from Monday night prayer.
"Rosh Hashanah will be a season of renewal for my people. I will open the floodgates of my presence and I will push back the enemy. No longer will the enemy gain territory with my people, but he will lose ground. In areas where he has always had Dominion, he will lose ground. I will cause my people to rise up and sound an alarm. They will run and not grow weary, neither will their sandals we're out. Sound an alarm. Blow the trumpet. Make way, for the king is coming!" After I got this word I began to research Rosh Hashanah. It is the Jewish New Year. The date this year will be September 29th through October 1st, 2019. It is a day of judgment and of blowing of trumpets / shofars. It is a time to search our hearts, leave our mistakes behind, and more forward toward excellence in Christ for the new year.
